Win Tin is the first swimming club in HK to introduce teaching different swimming contents according to the swimmer age and swimming ability. It is also the first club in HK to introduce "10 Level Swimming Progress Chart" so that swimmers can understand their swimming level and set what swimming stroke as the learning goal. Our club teaches swimming from easy to difficult and ensures swimmers learn swimming in a systematic way. Swimmer reaches a certain level can receive an assessment of the club to ensure the swimmer has sufficient ability to enter next level of training.

Course Categories


Icon Category Age Group Skill Level of Student Course Details1 Teacher-Student Ratio
  Beginners Prep 2 - 3 years old From beginners to being able to swim freestyle 5M or less Preparatory 1:2
  Nursery 3 - 4 years old From beginners to being able to swim freestyle 5M or less Level 1 1:4
  Nursery & Children2 3 - 15 years old Any skill level (From beginners to those who are proficient in all of four styles) Level 1 to 6

1:6 /


  Children 5 - 15 years old Any skill level (From beginners to those who are proficient in all of four styles) Level 1 to 6

1:6 /


  Adults 16 years old or above Any skill level (From beginners to those who are proficient in all of four styles) Level 1 to 6 1:8
Four Styles Improvement 8 - 18 years old


Being able to swim freestyle 200M, backstroke 100M, breaststroke 100M and butterfly stroke 50M
Level 7 1:15

 Swimming Team Prep 

District Age Group Skill Level of Student Course Details1 Teacher-Student Ratio
Telford 9 - 12 years old Being able to swim freestyle 100M or above, backstroke and breaststroke 50M or above Level 6 to 7
1 : 15
La Salle 8 - 14 years old Being able to swim freestyle 100M or above, backstroke and breaststroke 50M or above Level 6 to 7 1 : 15
Fukien 5 - 13 years old Being able to swim freestyle 100M or above, backstroke and breaststroke 50M or above Level 6 to 7 1 : 15
HK Island 5 - 13 years old Being able to swim freestyle 100M or above, backstroke and breaststroke 50M or above Level 6 to 7 1 : 15
N.T. 5 - 8 years old Being able to swim freestyle 100M or above, backstroke and breaststroke 50M or above Level 6 to 7 1 : 15

1) Teach according to "10 Level Swimming Progress Chart"

2) Only available for public pools

3) For those who cannot swim 50M: 1: 6 / For those who can swim 50M: 1: 8



10 Level Swimming Progress Chart
(Swimming Courses cover Level 1 to 7)
Level Main Style to Learn Course Content and Sequence Objective / Test
Beginners Prep

Swimming interest culti-vation and aquatic safety learning

  1. Aquatic safety knowledge learning
  2. Cultivate swimming interest through games in the water
  3. Exhalation underwater (blow air bubbles)
  4. Learn moving forward in water
  5. Learn freestyle kicking and arm movements using a kickboard
  • Be able to exhale in the water while using a kickboard and finish 5M freestyle kicking
Level 1 Freestyle
  1. Learning basic swimming techniques in a relax way, in a safe and comfortable swimming environment
  2. Basic leg movements and exhalation underwater
  3. Coordinate leg movements with breathing (straight arms holding the edge of the swimming pool)
  4. Floating kicking and basic arm movements
  5. Enhance self-confidence
  • Master basic breathing technique
  • Float-kicking
  • Basic arm and leg movements and breathing technique
  • Be able to swim 5M freestyle
Level 2 Freestyle and backstroke kicking technique
  1. Freestyle arm and leg movements and kicking breathing coordination (with kickboard)
  2. Freestyle arm and leg movements and kicking breathing coordination
  3. Backstroke floating and body position
  4. Backstroke kicking
  • Be able to complete 12.5M freestyle
  • Master basic backstroke kicking
Level 3 Freestyle and backstroke
  1. Freestyle and backstroke
  2. Basic freestyle jump-off movement
  3. Backstroke arm techniques
  4. Coordination of backstroke arm and leg techniques
  • Be able to complete 25M freestyle and 12.5M backstroke
  • Timed test for 25M freestyle kicking using a kickboard 
Level 4 Backstroke and breaststroke kicking
  1. Freestyle and backstroke technique improvement
  2. Freestyle and backstroke distance training
  3. Backstroke jump-off movement
  4. Breaststroke kicking and arm movements
  • Be able to complete 50M freestyle and 25M backstroke
  • Time test for 50M freestyle kicking using a kickboard 
Level 5 Breaststroke
  1. Leg and arm technique
  2. Arm movement and breathing coordination
  3. Arm and leg movements and breathing coordination
  4. Treading in water
  5. Breaststroke start technique
  • Be able to complete 100M freestyle, 50M backstroke, 50M breaststroke
  • Timed test for 50M freestyle kicking using a kickboard
Level 6 Butterfly stroke
  1. Leg and arm technique
  2. Arm and leg movement coordination
  3. Technique decomposition
  4. Arm and leg movement, and breathing coordination
  5. Improvement of four styles' start techniques
  • Be able to complete 200M freestyle, 100M backstroke and breaststroke and 50M butterfly stroke
  • Timed test for 50M freestyle kicking using a kickboard
Level 7 All four styles - Butterfly stroke, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle
  1. Swimming competition rules
  2. Improvement of jump-off, turn and pool-touching finish movements
  3. Improvement of four styles techniques
  4. Enhancement of endurance, speed and competition techniques
  • Be able to complete 100M in four styles
  • Be able to complete time test for 50M freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly stroke
  • Timed test for 50M freestyle kicking using a kickboard