The new youth record owner Mok Kei Tik won six medals in all six events participated. He also got the age group highest score boy swimmer. After his great success in the Long Course Swimming Championship, he needs to play in the inter-school competition tomorrow. Mok said “Need to fine tune the body and mind to prepare the game tomorrow, I want to lead the school and win back the championship in Grade B competition.”
There are always coaches' support behind every successful athlete, no matter their results are good or bad. Zhang Jun has been a swimming coach for 18 years and said there is a great difference between being a coach and a swimmer, “When I was a swimmer, I didn’t think too much, my coach helped me to settle everything. Now I need to help the swimmers think, predict and arrange all the games they played, I cannot adapt this changes at the very first beginning.”
Zhang Jun also thinks that the young swimmers in Hong Kong have too many burdens, so they should take care of their psychological conditions at the same time. “In every aspect, being a swimmer in Hong Kong is harder than in Mainland. In Hong Kong, swimmers need to handle both study and training at the same time, but in Mainland, swimmers are very focused. So we cannot train Hong Kong swimmers very hard, and intensively, we also need to think about their study, especially some swimmers may be affected psychologically when they faced great pressure from their study. Sometimes we must adjust the level of training to prevent any strike back from the swimmers.
This year, Sze Hang Yu and Ng Chun Nam won the best girl and boy swimmer, and Win Tin won total 1371 team score and got the Team Group Championship.

來源:LeSports TV